Should I take the first job offered?

Published on: 10/19/23 4:18 AM


Despite the deep uncertainties in the world at the present time, across our core markets in the UK & EU there are a huge proportion of companies recruiting high quality people. That’s a fact.

We are seeing strong demand from the majority of the niche markets that we service which can bring the question if you are looking for a new challenge; do you accept the first job you are offered?

For many years, employers have held the power and have tended to be very selective in their hires; and insistent on interviewing multiple candidates for a particular role. Decision-making has typically been quite long and arduous – as hiring managers see a wide selection of candidates as a good reason to “take their time” and make decisions slowly.

Fast-forward to 2023 and we are seeing what we call “candidate short” markets in the majority of our sectors. This means that in many instances there are more jobs than candidates, and this causes employers to have a different approach.

Typically today, employers know that they need to move faster to secure the talent they want to recruit; and are less inclined to take as long over the selection process. Clients are making job offers much faster, as they appreciate that there isn’t the volume or quality of candidates available, so it’s quite common now for clients to hire from just one or two candidates interviewed.

It’s simply a supply and demand scenario.

The issue facing you as a candidate now is how to handle this more buoyant market? Here’s our advice.

Candidates are in a stronger position now, so it is more likely that you will be able to secure multiple job interviews. As these interviews play out, it’s now quite likely that you will receive one or more job offers. Our advice is don’t accept the first job that you are offered and wait for things to play out.

You can’t wait too long and you should never mess employers around; however for example if you go for 3x 1st interviews in a week – let the process play out with each of the 3 as it could be that the last interview you attend is the best opportunity for you.

Our advice is do not leave a job offer for more than 7 days. Keep the prospective employer informed at all times but if you have a number of options let things play out before you decide what to do.

It could be the best decision you ever make.