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A major part of our success strategy is ensuring that anyone going for a job interview through Wynne Consulting is prepared as much as possible.

Unusually it’s rare that the absolute best candidate gets the job, it’s usually the candidate that delivers the best interview who is subsequently recruited.

Interview preparation is absolutely key. Our template to success is as follows:

Continue reading Need a successful job interview? The secret is interview preparation.

Date posted: March 1, 2024 | Author: | No Comments » | Categories: Interview Strategy

job interview

Video Interviews via ZOOM/MS Teams/Skype are an increasingly common method of interview. Although they are more convenient to arrange, additional preparation should be done to improve your chances of success. We’ve compiled a list of 10 key tips to help you master video interviews’:

  1. First and Foremost. Ensure ALL your tech is working prior to the interview. Preferably check this the day before ensuring you have ample time to find suitable fixes for any issues. This includes the Platform (ZOOM, Teams etc), mic, speakers and camera!
  2. Minimize potential tech disruptions. Make sure you’ve powered all the devices you need an you have a charging cable to hand. If you have bandwidth heavy programs or appliances, make sure they’re shut down.
  3. Set up your space. Ensure you have somewhere private to talk, if there is a chance of background noise you could opt for headphones rather than a mic.
  4. Set up your camera so you’re not too close, too far, too low or too high. Ensure your video is eye level. Your image should be displayed as below.
  5. Background. Ensure your background is tidy and organised. If you’re doing the call from a bedroom, clear any none business-related decorations off the walls.
  6. Lighting. Ensure your lighting is good and your face is well lit. Natural lighting is best. Back-lighting can cause you to look like a silhouette. Again, it’s best to check this prior to the interview so you can amend things appropriately.
  7. Appearance. This is a common issue area as video calls made from home can be disarming. Dress as you would to an interview. Ironed shirt and business casual. It’s tempting to wear joggers on your bottom half – but from our experience, full business wear (including shoes) will get you in the right frame of mind.
  8. Signal when you want to talk. During in-person meetings, you can pick up on visual cues to help find the right time to speak. It’s a lot easier to accidentally interrupt on a video call. Wait for a few moments of silence before speaking up in case there’s a sound delay.
  9. Stay focused. Mute any notifications prior to the call. Be attentive and engaged during the call. As tempting as it is, try not to do any other work or read articles or send emails. If there’s a pause in the conversation because, for instance, you need to pull up an email or reference a document, make sure to communicate that.
  10. If you do need to share your screen during a video call, take a few seconds to prepare before you hit that share button. Clear your desktop of any extra tabs or programs you may have open and make sure any private or sensitive information is hidden.

If you need any help or advice please feel free to contact us here at Wynne Consulting and we can help you out.


Date posted: November 2, 2023 | Author: | No Comments » | Categories: Interview Strategy