Why Search Recruitment beats Agencies, CV Websites & Advertising every time.

Published on: 02/20/20 2:04 AM


misty countryside

Ever since I started working in search recruitment back in 1997, a common objection I hear from clients is “What do your services offer us that we can’t do ourselves”? This is a great question – and one an employer should always ask any prospective recruiter.

As an employer, if you are in the fortunate position of being able to hire good people through your own advertising and word of mouth; then realistically a recruiter cannot offer you much.

For the vast majority of jobs, whether blue-collar, white collar or management – it’s hard to find good people and most companies struggle to recruit. This is where recruiters come into play.

Recruitment agencies follow a basic model. They prospect companies looking for jobs, then advertise those jobs to unearth job seekers looking for work. The candidates found are introduced to the hiring companies and jobs are filled. Whether candidate sourcing is through traditional print advertising or the latest internet & social media tools – the concept is the same. The job seeker needs to see the advert or pro-actively get in touch.

With the advent of the internet, the mechanisms for finding people (i.e. advertising and CV Websites) are not just in the hands of the Recruitment Agencies; savvy employers can now access candidates directly without using an intermediary (i.e. a Recruitment Agency).

Although the internet has undoubtedly increased the hiring companies’ ability to access job seekers, as a search recruiter our core service is still relatively unaffected by either hiring companies or recruitment agencies.

This statement may surprise you – but the fundamentals that make us successful still apply. Whether it’s finding active job seekers by a press advert, internet advert, using a recruitment agency or finding a CV on a CV Website – they are still candidates that are “active job seekers” who have voluntarily “put their hand up” and proactively started looking for a job.

As a search company, our core business is identifying and contacting the 95% of people who aren’t active job seekers today. On average only 5% of people in any company are actively looking for a job. That’s the people that Advertising, Recruitment Agencies and CV Websites will allow you to identify. Wynne Consulting (as a search recruitment firm) give you access to the other 95% who aren’t looking for a job. You (as the hiring company) and Recruitment Agencies can’t get access to these people.

And the great news is that the overwhelming majority of the best people in your industry are in this 95%.

So – if you want to hire the best people you need to get proactive. A search methodology consistently finds the great people that every business needs to be successful.
